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Modula Definition | 1997-02-15 | 13.0 KB | 309 lines |
- (*************************************************************************
- :Program. XpkMasterD.def
- :Contents. Interface-Module for xpkmaster.library
- :Author. Oliver Knorr
- :Remark. Derived from Hartmut Goebel's Oberon Interface
- :Copyright. Copyright © 1992 by Oliver Knorr
- :Copyright. May be freely distributed with the Xpk-Package
- :Copyright. permission is given to be included with M2Amiga
- :Language. Modula-2
- :Translator. M2Amiga V4.0
- :History. V1.0, 29 Jul 1992 Oliver Knorr
- :History V2.0, 30 Jul 1992 Oliver Knorr
- :Date. 29 Jul 1992 01:41:25
- *************************************************************************)
- (*$ Implementation:=FALSE *)
- FROM UtilityD IMPORT tagUser ;
- xpkName = "xpkmaster.library";
- StrPtr = POINTER TO ARRAY [0..255] OF CHAR;
- (*****************************************************************************
- *
- *
- * The packing/unpacking tags
- *
- *)
- (* Tags we support *)
- XpkTags=(xpkTagBase:=tagUser + ORD("X")*256 + ORD("P"),
- (* Caller must supply ONE of these to tell Xpk#?ackFile where to get data from *)
- xpkInName, (* an entire named file *)
- xpkInFH, (* File handle - start from current position *)
- (* If packing partial file, must also supply InLen *)
- xpkInBuf, (* Single unblocked memory buffer *)
- (* Must also supply InLen *)
- xpkInHook, (* Call custom Hook to read data *)
- (* If packing, must also supply InLen *)
- (* If unpacking, InLen required only for PPDecrunch *)
- (* TagBase+5 through TagBase+15 are reserved *)
- xpk05, xpk06, xpk07, xpk08, xpk09, xpk10, xpk11, xpk12, xpk13, xpk14, xpk15,
- (* Caller must supply ONE of these to tell Xpk#?ackFile where to send data to *)
- xpkOutName, (* Write (or overwrite) this data file *)
- xpkOutFH, (* File handle - write from current position on *)
- xpkOutBuf, (* Unblocked buffer - must also supply OutBufLen *)
- xpkGetOutBuf, (* Master allocates OutBuf - ti_Data points to buf ptr *)
- xpkOutHook, (* Callback Hook to get output buffers *)
- (* TagBase+21 through TagBase+31 are reserved *)
- xpk21, xpk22, xpk23, xpk24, xpk25, xpk26, xpk27, xpk28, xpk29, xpk30, xpk31,
- (* Other tags for Pack/Unpack *)
- xpkInLen, (* Length of data in input buffer *)
- xpkOutBufLen, (* Length of output buffer *)
- xpkGetOutLen, (* ti_Data points to long to receive OutLen *)
- xpkGetOutBufLen, (* ti_Data points to long to receive OutBufLen *)
- xpkPassword, (* Password for de/encoding *)
- xpkGetError, (* ti_Data points to buffer for error message *)
- xpkOutMemType, (* Memory type for output buffer *)
- xpkPassThru, (* Bool: Pass through unrecognized formats on unpack *)
- xpkStepDown, (* Bool: Step down pack method if necessary *)
- xpkChunkHook, (* Call this Hook between chunks *)
- xpkPackMethod, (* Do a FindMethod before packing *)
- xpkChunkSize, (* Chunk size to try to pack with *)
- xpkPackMode, (* Packing mode for sublib to use *)
- xpkNoClobber, (* Don't overwrite existing files *)
- xpkIgnore, (* Skip this tag *)
- xpkTaskPri, (* Change priority for (un)packing *)
- xpkFileName, (* File name for progress report *)
- xpkShortError, (* Output short error messages *)
- xpkPackerQuery, (* Query properties of a packer *)
- xpkModeQuery (* Query properties of packmode *)
- );
- xpkFindMethod=xpkPackMethod; (* Compatibility *)
- (*****************************************************************************
- *
- *
- * The hook function interface
- *
- *)
- (* The values for XpkIOMsg.type *)
- XpkIOMsgType = (xiomt0, ioRead, ioWrite, ioFree, ioAbort, ioGetBuf,
- ioSeek, ioTotSize) ;
- (* Message passed to InHook and OutHook as the ParamPacket *)
- XpkIOMsgPtr = POINTER TO XpkIOMsg;
- type : LONGINT; (* Read/Write/Alloc/Free/Abort *)
- ptr : ADDRESS; (* The mem area to read from/write to *)
- size : LONGINT; (* The size of the read/write *)
- ioError : LONGINT; (* The IoErr() that occurred *)
- reserved : ADDRESS; (* Reserved for future use *)
- private1 : ADDRESS; (* Hook specific, will be set to 0 by *)
- private2 : ADDRESS; (* master library before first use *)
- private3 : ADDRESS;
- private4 : ADDRESS;
- END;
- (*****************************************************************************
- *
- *
- * The progress report interface
- *
- *)
- (* The values for XpkProgress.type *)
- XpkProgressType = (xpt0, progStart, progMid, progEnd) ;
- (* Passed to ChunkHook as the ParamPacket *)
- XpkProgressPtr = POINTER TO XpkProgress;
- XpkProgress = RECORD
- type : LONGINT; (* Type of report: start/cont/end/abort *)
- packerName : StrPtr; (* Brief name of packer being used *)
- packerLongName : StrPtr; (* Descriptive name of packer being used *)
- activity : StrPtr; (* Packing/unpacking message *)
- fileName : StrPtr; (* Name of file being processed, if available *)
- cCur : LONGINT; (* Amount of packed data already processed *)
- uCur : LONGINT; (* Amount of unpacked data already processed *)
- uLen : LONGINT; (* Amount of unpacked data already processed *)
- cf : LONGINT; (* Compression factor so far *)
- done : LONGINT; (* Percentage done already *)
- speed : LONGINT; (* Bytes per second, from beginning of stream *)
- reserved : ARRAY [0..7] OF ADDRESS; (* For future use *)
- END;
- (*****************************************************************************
- *
- *
- * The file info block
- *
- *)
- (* Defines for XpkFib.type *)
- XpkFibType = (unpacked, packed, archive) ;
- (* Defines for XpkFib.flags *)
- XpkFibFlags = (password, seek, nonStd, xff3, xff4, xff5, xff6, xff7,
- xff8, xff9, xff10, xff11, xff12, xff13, xff14, xff15,
- xff16, xff17, xff18, xff19, xff20, xff21, xff22, xff23,
- xff24, xff25, xff26, xff27, xff28, xff29, xff30, xff31) ;
- XpkFibFlagSet = SET OF XpkFibFlags ;
- XpkFibPtr = POINTER TO XpkFib;
- XpkFib = RECORD
- type : LONGINT ; (* Unpacked, packed, archive? *)
- uLen : LONGINT ; (* Uncompressed length *)
- cLen : LONGINT ; (* Compressed length *)
- nLen : LONGINT ; (* Next chunk len *)
- uCur : LONGINT ; (* Uncompressed bytes so far *)
- cCur : LONGINT ; (* Compressed bytes so far *)
- id : ARRAY [0..3] OF BYTE ; (* 4 letter ID of packer *)
- packer : ARRAY [0..5] OF BYTE ; (* 4 letter name of packer *)
- subVersion : INTEGER ; (* Required sublib version *)
- masVersion : INTEGER ; (* Required masterlib version *)
- flags : XpkFibFlagSet ; (* Password? *)
- head : ARRAY [0..15] OF BYTE ; (* First 16 bytes of orig. file *)
- ratio : LONGINT ; (* Compression ratio *)
- reserved : ARRAY [0..7] OF ADDRESS; (* For future use *)
- END;
- fib: XpkFib
- (* private data follows *)
- END;
- (*****************************************************************************
- *
- *
- * The error messages
- *
- *)
- errOk = 0;
- errNoFunc = -1; (* This function not implemented *)
- errNoFiles = -2; (* No files allowed for this function *)
- errIOErrIn = -3; (* Input error happened, look at Result2 *)
- errIOErrOut = -4; (* Output error happened,look at Result2 *)
- errCheckSum = -5; (* Check sum test failed *)
- errVersion = -6; (* Packed file's version newer than lib *)
- errNoMem = -7; (* Out of memory *)
- errLibInUse = -8; (* For not-reentrant libraries *)
- errWrongForm = -9; (* Was not packed with this library *)
- errSmallBuf = -10; (* Output buffer too small *)
- errLargeBuf = -11; (* Input buffer too large *)
- errWrongMode = -12; (* This packing mode not supported *)
- errNeedPasswd = -13; (* Password needed for decoding *)
- errCorruptPkd = -14; (* Packed file is corrupt *)
- errMissingLib = -15; (* Required library is missing *)
- errBadParams = -16; (* Caller's TagList was screwed up *)
- errExpansion = -17; (* Would have caused data expansion *)
- errNoMethod = -18; (* Can't find requested method *)
- errAborted = -19; (* Operation aborted by user *)
- errTruncated = -20; (* Input file is truncated *)
- errWrongCPU = -21; (* Better CPU required for this library *)
- errPacked = -22; (* Data are already XPacked *)
- errNotPacked = -23; (* Data not packed *)
- errFileExists = -24; (* File already exists *)
- errOldMastLib = -25; (* Master library too old *)
- errOldSubLib = -26; (* Sub library too old *)
- errNoCrypt = -27; (* Cannot encrypt *)
- errNoInfo = -28; (* Can't get info in that packer *)
- errMsgSize = 80; (* Maximum size of an error message *)
- (*****************************************************************************
- *
- *
- * The XpkQuery() call
- *
- *)
- XpkInfoFlags = (pkChunk, (* Library supplies chunk packing *)
- pkStream, (* Library supplies stream packing *)
- pkArchive, (* Library supplies archive packing *)
- upChunk, (* Library supplies chunk unpacking *)
- upStream, (* Library supplies stream unpacking *)
- upArchive, (* Library supplies archive unpacking *)
- xpif6,
- hookio, (* Uses full Hook I/O *)
- xpif8, xpif9,
- checking, (* Does its own data checking *)
- prereadhdr, (* Unpacker pre-reads the next chunkhdr *)
- xpif12,
- encryption, (* Sub library supports encryption *)
- needPasswd, (* Sub library requires encryption *)
- modes, (* Sub library has different modes *)
- lossy, (* Sub library does lossy compression *)
- xpif17, xpif18, xpif19, xpif20, xpif21, xpif22,
- xpif23, xpif24, xpif25, xpif26, xpif27, xpif28,
- xpif29, xpif30, xpif31) ;
- XpkInfoFlagSet = SET OF XpkInfoFlags ;
- XpkPackerInfoPtr = POINTER TO XpkPackerInfo;
- XpkPackerInfo = RECORD
- name : ARRAY [0..23] OF CHAR; (* Brief name of the packer *)
- longName : ARRAY [0..31] OF CHAR; (* Full name of the packer *)
- description : ARRAY [0..79] OF CHAR; (* One line description of packer *)
- flags : XpkInfoFlagSet; (* Defined above *)
- maxChunk : LONGINT; (* Max input chunk size for packing *)
- defChunk : LONGINT; (* Default packing chunk size *)
- defMode : INTEGER; (* Default mode on 0..100 scale *)
- END;
- XpkModeFlags = (a3000Speed, (* Timings on A3000/25 *)
- pkNoCPU, (* Packing not heavily CPU dependent *)
- upNoCPU, (* Unpacking... (i.e. hardware modes) *)
- xmf3, xmf4, xmf5, xmf6, xmf7, xmf8, xmf9, xmf10,
- xmf11, xmf12, xmf13, xmf14, xmf15, xmf16, xmf17, xmf18,
- xmf19, xmf20, xmf21, xmf22, xmf23, xmf24, xmf25, xmf26,
- xmf27, xmf28, xmf29, xmf30, xmf31) ;
- XpkModeFlagSet = SET OF XpkModeFlags ;
- XpkModePtr = POINTER TO XpkMode;
- XpkMode = RECORD
- next : XpkModePtr; (* Chain to next descriptor for ModeDesc list*)
- upto : LONGINT; (* Maximum efficiency handled by this mode *)
- flags : XpkModeFlagSet; (* Defined above *)
- packMemory : LONGINT; (* Extra memory required during packing *)
- unpackMemory : LONGINT; (* Extra memory during unpacking *)
- packSpeed : LONGINT; (* Approx packing speed in K per second *)
- unpackSpeed : LONGINT; (* Approx unpacking speed in K per second *)
- ratio : INTEGER; (* CF in 0.1% for AmigaVision executable *)
- reserved : INTEGER;
- description : ARRAY [0..7] OF CHAR; (* 8 character mode description *)
- END;
- (*****************************************************************************
- *
- *
- * The XpkOpen() type calls
- *
- *)
- lenOneChunk = 7FFFFFFFH;
- END XpkMasterD.noimp